Tuesday, 31 January 2017


Hello from us!
Warning: Picture-heavy with a final text wall

It's been almost a month since I've been back and a year since I've posted (because of work). Before the holidays, I'd been feeling very depressed because I had felt like I hadn't accomplished much across the year at work. I confided in a few colleagues and friends and I was very touched to receive so much love and warmth. Going on such a long break gave me wanderlust. It made me feel like there's so much more to the world.

I've posted most of the following photos on Instagram, the hashtag is also #2xtroubleinUSA if you want to find those that are not here and vice versa. I have edited very few of what I took in total, I'll work on short write-ups for each area that I've been to.

Here we go!